Sunday, February 8, 2009

Time To Get The Ball Rolling Again!

So I've been in this dilemma the past week, what do I want to be when I grow up? Seriously! A year ago if you had asked me that I would have been happy to say, I'm an ebayer! But now with all the changes driving traffic away from the site I've had to rethink my strategy.

I love what I do. Like most jobs though I don't love all parts of it, some of it is definitely just work to get through, but most of it is fun! I get to be a treasure hunter. I love to handle and see things I've never sen before, learn about them and put them in my memory banks. This is what drives me the most, the being able to go out shopping and digging for something that may turn out to be really special to someone. A lot of what I sell is memories. It's so fun to hear from people who get something from me that fills a void from their life in replacing a long lost momento or adding to their collections.

As a collector myself I know that feeling of finding another piece at a price I can afford. I know the fun of getting a well wrapped package and opening up the goody inside! So I love sharing that with others.

I'm also home with my kids every day. Nothing beats that! They are what life is all about to me. So I also try to counsel moms how to do this also so they can spend those precious years home with their babies too.

So back to where I started with all this... I've finally put down on paper where I'm going this year. I've expanded to RubyLane, Bonanzle and am determined to get my own website working for me as well. There are some great things in the works this year so stay tuned and look for Udderlygoodstuff everywhere!


Kat Simpson said...

I'm lovin' it )

Wanda @ Just Vintage said...

Go get 'em, Danni! You already do better than most. It takes a lot of time to do this, but you can still sooth a boo-boo when it happens and give random hugs during the day. I was a SAHM and oh, how I wish I had eBay and the internet back then! Instead of always being broke, we might have had some spending money.
